Everyone’s journey is different and we believe there isn’t a one size fits all approach to Young Adult ministry. Thus we've created a variety of opportunities for you to develop community, grow your relationship with God, build your faith, and to serve - no matter where you are on your faith journey. We hope to inspire a generation of men and women through faith and family who will live their lives on fire for Him. We hope you’ll join us!

Young Adult Center

Located on the West side of St. Thomas More campus, the Young Adult Center is newly renovated and open throughout the day during office hours for anyone to use to study, to hang out with friends, or grab a cup of coffee or a snack. Be sure to check-in at the office so we can say hello!



Through a variety of social nights and activities, we provide opportunities for Young Adults to fulfill the desire for human connection with their brothers and sisters in Christ. We are here to walk with you wherever you are. No matter what. You are needed. You are wanted. You are loved here.


First and foremost we are community centered on God and the Catholic Church. We love because He loved us first. Our relationships start with Him and for Him. This is a place to come encounter Jesus Christ, to know Him, and to love Him. We give God the glory for all the He has done and will do with us and through us.


As members of the Body of Christ, we are meant to help others know Him and love Him. Church is so much more than where you go on Sunday. It’s a way of life! We are here to bring the Church to the people. So whether you’re walking around town, shopping in a store, or serving on the mission field, we are here to equip you to share the love of God and our Catholic faith with others.